Good Things Happen

Change can be confronting and alarming, or exciting and hopeful. Things change constantly and all of us are metaphorically swimming, paddling, and surfing through the waves, troughs, and storms of our lives. Change is inevitable and we should not resist it. It is important to notice our thoughts and feelings about change, accept them and be willing to do something different. Thoughts are powerful, they can create a reality that we want or they can create a reality that we don’t want. With this in mind, it becomes easier to imagine the possibilities of what could happen if we change our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Acceptance is a key component in the process of change because if we don’t accept the change, then how can we get through it? It’s hard to imagine what will happen if we don’t accept the change that’s happening in our lives.

Wealth is not just about money. It’s also about love, happiness, and a good attitude.

Good things happen when we focus on the abundance in our lives. When we are aware of the good that is all around us and when we cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Every day is a new opportunity to take the next step in your life and this is what it means to live consciously.

The more you focus on abundance, happiness, goodness and wealth, the more you will attract these things into your life. You have to believe that good things happen every day and that love is abundant.

