Be the one who helps others feel included.
We want to be kind, we want to help people, and we want to reach out. But sometimes we don’t know how or when. We can feel self-conscious about the risks of being rejected or making a mistake. We don’t always have the confidence to be inclusive or the courage to share our thoughts and feelings with others. We are all human beings who deserve dignity and respect, regardless of our differences.
When we act humanely towards one another, there is more kindness in the world for everyone – including ourselves! We all want to be included. It’s a basic human need. And when we feel included, it helps us feel safe and happy.
Be kind: Be kind and caring towards others, even if they are different from you. Reach out: If someone is alone, go up and say hello! Have confidence: You have the power to make people feel included by just being yourself! Be inclusive: Invite others into your group! The more we are together, the more synergy there is and the better we can work together.