In second grade my best friend Tina phoned me to say her family was moving away and would I be her penpal. Of course I would! Then she hung up without giving me her phone number (back in those days we had a dial phone), or her address. I thought of her for many years afterward, and (obviously) still sometimes do. I don’t remember what we had in common back then, apart from being 5, but that doesn’t matter so much. A friendship was made, and nothing we did hurt each other or broke our trust.
Even in adult relationships being honest and communicating are the keys to keeping friendship going forever. As long as we can leave space for each other, and work through things with openness and caring the friendship doesn’t die. Adulthood moves us around and keeps us busy, but along the way we collect people who connect with us and treasure them. We don’t treasure them less when we move onto other paths of life, and see them less often, so the friendship endures, and with luck can be revisited.