It’s a nice day to have a nice day. Every day is, really. There’s much more to it than deciding to have one, but our mindset, and our intentions can guide us a great deal. Doing the emotional work that makes us strong enough to look on the bright side, have confidence, and enjoy rewarding relationships makes our lives much better, one day at a time.
Self-esteem is not something that you get from other people – it’s something that you have to give yourself. It’s not as easy as it sounds because negativity and low self-esteem are often deeply rooted in our psyche. But, with some work and patience, we can learn to love ourselves more, which will make us happier and more confident in general.
We need to be careful of the words that we speak to ourselves because they are powerful. When they’re negative, they can be destructive and lead us down a path of negativity. When they’re positive, they can help us feel better about ourselves and motivate us to do things like eat healthily or take care of our mental health.