The Kindness of Strangers on Social Media

On the internet, the grumpy trolls are far outweighed by the rest of us who are just looking for connection to each other. Whatever you are experiencing there are other people out there who understand, or have faced similar things. Sometimes reading about their experiences can make us feel less alone, even though we haven’t shared anything. Sometimes support can come flooding in when you share personal details.

I’ve been a foreigner in a small country town and found support, coping mechanisms and new perspectives to refocus myself with in expat communities. I’ve been a young Mum with so many questions about how to cope and do the best for my babes. I’ve been an artist, in touch with people sharing my passion for visual expression, and I’ve been many other things, each of which are ways to connect to people in far flung places that can help me learn to be the person I want to be.

I rely on the kindness of strangers, and am glad to be part of the digital age.

