Inspiring Ideas
#relationshipanarchy #ra #enm #philosophy #freedom #loveislove #crazysmart #polyamory #thinkingperson
Cultivate Kindness
Kindness grows from kindness, and from respect. We can inspire respect by having reasonable boundaries consistently, communicating well, and being kind.
Pay Attention!
Life is a series of tiny miracles in a completely magical world.
Shortcut to Happiness
A shortcut to happiness is exploring what things are instead of judging if they’re what you want them to be.
Being a Go Getter
Got your butt in gear today? Good job! When you don’t want to do something, but do it anyway, that’s self-discipline. The emotional strength and intelligence to choose the long term over the short.
We All Deserve Kindness
There are no undeserving people. Only people who don’t have what they need yet. We all deserve kindness. Even when it looks like our struggles might be our own fault. Even when we’re making poor choices. Even when other people could have done better. We all have our own growth problems, and need emotional nourishment…
Feel like giving up?
Feel like giving up? Then it’s probably time for some introspection. Step back and look at your bigger picture. Does it make it seem worthwhile? Does it give you confidence in your direction? If it doesn’t looking for alternatives might give you a better dream to follow, or it might affirm you in the direction…
People Are Who They Say They Are
People are who they say they are and deserve equality and respect. Please, when someone says ‘Call me Jo! My pronouns are they/them.’ and you’ve known them by another name and pronouns, call them Jo, because it’s respectful to call people what they ask you to. Just for a start.
Commit to Kindness
Changing the world for good requires a commitment to kindness.Let’s do it!
Being Patient with Rudeness
Being patient with people who are rude isn’t fake. It’s being emotionally intelligent enough to chose your own reactions. Emotional intelligence is made up of four main skills: understanding ourselves, self-management, understanding others, and relationship management. Even if someone ticks us off or offends us we can choose to respond in a manner that serves…
Let Your Light Shine on Others
Be Kind Humans (pastel)
Be Kind Humans, then we can REALLY be Humankind. 🙂 Not that we are doing badly. The reason humans have come this far is because we are kind to each other. We are a community oriented species because that’s what’s helped us to survive. Cooperating, building and learning together is what makes us awesome. Assuming…
Kindness is Strength’s Core
It takes courage to stand and share your truth
kindnessismythingnowIt takes courage to stand and share your truth. It also takes courage to sit and open-mindedly listen to another’s. We are a group oriented species, relying on each other for physical and emotional needs, but we don’t all see the world the same way. Those of us living in civilizations with religious freedom have…
You Deserve Kindness
You deserve to receive kindness, as well as to give kindness.Kindness is a blessing in our lives whether we are giving it or receiving it. Since we all do better when we all do better the big picture of sharing kindness is obviously beneficial. The small day to day kindnesses are a blessing too though.…
Kindness is Catching
Be more to see more. Join the kindness revolution.
Kindness Doesn’t Require Agreement
We don’t have to agree about anything in order to be kind to each other.It’s often intuitive for us to be kind to children whether they are disagreeing with us or not. That doesn’t mean we let them cross boundaries. It’s kind to show them where the boundaries are. The same is true with adults.…
What Impact Do You Have?
Life isn’t about being impressive it’s about being impactful.Who can you make a difference to today?
When it’s Dark Let Your Light Shine
When it’s dark, let your light shine. When you go, leave kindness. When you stay, be loving. Life responds.
Platypus Proactively Pushing Peace
Sales methods vary, but platypi may (or may not) be trying to sell us on peace. They’re such a fascinating and odd little animal, and they live a quiet existence in nature. Some people are bound to identify with this. Whatever brings you peace, this platypus is a proponent.
The Beauty of Relationship Anarchy
One of the most beautiful things about relationship anarchy is that it allows us to meet people, and love them for who they are and where they’re at when we likely wouldn’t pursue a relationship at all if we were focused on finding only one kind of relationship.
Good Chances Are You Are Loved
With so much love in the world, there is a lot that goes unnoticed, and unspoken. If you are feeling alone today remember that there’s a good chance somebody is thinking of you fondly and quietly loving you. Statistics prove it. Somewhere, I’m sure.
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
“Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that the defences of peace must be constructed.” May 21st is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. UNESCO initiates programs aimed at working together kindly and maintaining peace through countries cooperating together in…
Kindness (and Kittens)
Because who could resist?
Emotional Support is Kindness
People tend to need love more than they need advice. Emotional support is kindness.
Be Kind to Your Past Self
Be kind enough to forgive yourself and look forward, celebrating where you are now. Be kind to past versions of yourself who didn’t know what you know now.
Empathy Rocks
Loving to Learn Relieves Stress
Loving to learn means being a beginner is exciting instead of scary or embarrassing. It’s big undertaking to try and build a career, and in business there’s a large ‘failure’ rate. Keeping on going means being willing to grow and learn. It means Consciously choosing to have patience, think positively and be actively self improving.…
Loving imperfection
It’s pretty great that imperfect people can be perfect for each other.
Being my own best friend
Today I’m being my own best friend. Have a conversation with your BFF, ask:How do I feel about myself?What am I proud I have achieved?Is where I put my effort worthwhile?What would I really enjoy doing this week?Then Listen.
Don’t engage with crazy
When people are disrespectful or rude it pretty much never helps to join them in their behavior, and it focusses on the bad feeling they gave us. Focusing on positive ways to make a difference, or refuse to continue receiving (or generating) disrespect is kinder, and helps us build positive mindset that helps us cope…
Self Improvement is Being Kind
We can learn to listen compassionately, communicate well, develop useful skills, read about other people’s experiences, and so much more! So even when we are alone we are capable of being kind to others.
Kind Human Self Identifying
Kindness radiates from the heart, like the sun shining from behind clouds.
Thriving Relationships Have a Foundation of Kindness
Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a partnership, or a friendship all thriving relationships are based on kindness. When we care for each other and do our best to understand, and it is reciprocated, we have loved ones we feel we can rely on. We make friends who keep a balance of give and take. We…
Be Great Enough to Fail
Be great enough to fail at something new. Interesting people have interesting stories. Not only can we not succeed if we don’t try, but succeeding at achieving goals is only a small part of living. People with rich characters have rich stories. We get that way by chasing our dreams, trying out new things, listening…
Is your inner child happy?
One way to remember to treat ourselves with kindness is to remember the child we were and how they deserve to be treated. Children find it easy to hope, and to believe. They have a great capacity to love without holding back They dream of experiences and expect a kind world. What dreams do our…
Today My Inner Child is in Charge
Today, let’s have some fun!
Negativity isn’t bad
A positive mindset become toxic when we use it to avoid our emotional realities. Be real. Be you.
You ARE good enough
Any mother can tell you their child deserves the world. They deserve happiness and love, success and financial independence, friends and good adventures. We were all children, and now we are so much more, and still deserve the same things.
Busy Making Herstory
We can’t resist a play on words, especially in support of feminism. Making history is impressive and all, especially as women, given patriarchal rewriting that has occurred, but our personal story is so much more important to each of us. We’re hoping this design helps remind you to dream big, and live large. The coordinating…
You deserve to be heard.
If you feel like your voice isn’t being heard, there are things you can do to change that. If you feel like you aren’t, try asking why. Do the people near to you not listen? Do they not care about what you care about? Do your communication skills need work? Do you believe in listening…
Spread Hummus not Hate
It’s funny because it’s true. Hummus and hate are both things people spread. One is a nutritious tasty snack, and the other is just not okay. The cheerful little bowl of hummus was designed in warm colors reminiscent of Middle Eastern crockery and the pattern pictures the ingredients of hummus. We hope it gives you…
You Can Be Your Own Hero
When you look for evidence that you are amazing instead of counting the failures, you find it. It can take a lot of practice, and sometimes seems like you are conning yourself, but everyone is amazing in their own way. Believe you can find the magic, and practice being your own best supporter. One day…
Choosing or Raising Leaders
What voting has in common with raising children is we want to have our world built by people with beautiful dreams. We want leaders who are capable, and motivated, and whose ideas of what to accomplish make our world a more beautiful place to live in. We want our children to dream big and become…
World Art Day
Today is World Art Day. Recognized by UNESCO internationally because art is an important ingredient in civilization. spending money.
Human Rights Defender
“Human Rights Defender” in the traditional protest lettering, stencils. In the colors of the progress pride flag. All people deserve respect, and equal rights. When we have compassion, and awareness we can work together to empower each other, encourage diversity, even the playing field for all, and choose kindness.
Made of Magic
However we were made, and whyever we exist, we are each a small part of a magical universe. Small, but a part nonetheless, magic as much as the beauty of the stars, and the waves of the ocean. The way we love, the things we need, the people who’s lives we touch, the emotions we…
No one is You. That is Your Magic.
However we were made, and whyever we exist, we are each a small part of a magical universe. Small, but a part nonetheless, magic as much as the beauty of the stars, and the waves of the ocean. The way we love, the things we need, the people who’s lives we touch, the emotions we…
Finding Balance in Kindness
Being surrounded by people who communicate well and who are willing to hear your voice make being kind safer
Being Kind is Radical. Be Radical.
Recently frequently used in the Black Lives Matter movement, this is another version symbolizing that when we are kind, we listen to those who feel marginalized and make restitution. We work together to be a better humanity, and afford all people the same human rights with dignity.
Empathy is Hot
While we gotta make sure they got the follow up, someone with empathy makes a good bet for a date, or a friend! They can understand things from another person’s point of view, and are emotionally invested in the wellbeing of others.
Compassion Fatigue
Self-care basics are key to maintaining our ability to avoid compassion fatigue, and keep up the small kindnesses of every day life.
Why Friendship is Noble
When we are close to someone, our friend is a loving comparison we can use to know ourselves better. They connect to and affirm things we like about ourselves, they assure us we are worthy of love and of having our needs fulfilled, they help us open our hearts to appreciation of life, and having…
Being Kind is Magical. Be Magical.
Kindness can magically change someone’s day, or appear unexpectedly or even be a love potion.
Happiness, Inner Peace, Health and Kindness
Life is better when we search for happiness rather than riches, inner peace rather than success, health rather than wealth and kindness rather than coolness.
Kindness is a Lifestyle
Some of us find being kind natural and easy, particularly with people we like. Kindness as a lifestyle isn’t just a series of acts though, it’s when we value choosing friendliness, generosity, compassion, consideration and respect. We can choose to consciously live in a way that promotes kindness.
Be Funny but Also Kind
Nobody knows just how humor works. We all have a sense of it, and different things tickle each of us. This April 1st, though, let’s talk about how to avoid being unkind when we’re joking around. To be funny it’s essential for us and our audience to feel playful. The more playful we feel the…
Compassion Nurtures Us
Compassion means more than empathy, because when someone is compassionate they have made a choice to take action, from a place of empathy. They’ve decided that it is worth it to them to give time or effort, or sacrifice for someone else to be better off. Unless it’s self-compassion then the effort comes right back…
Can Friendship Last Forever
In adult relationships being honest and communicating are the keys to keeping friendship going forever.
The Kindness of Strangers on Social Media
On the internet, the grumpy trolls are far outweighed by the rest of us who are just looking for connection to each other.
Kindness is like Peanut Butter
Kindness is the peanut butter of humanity. (But even better, probably nobody is allergic! ?)
Kindness and Social Equity
It’s just kind to give people the help they need, rather than the same help as everyone else.
Be Nifty
We all appreciate kindness. Kindness is nifty! Kindness is important to us as social animals. Overall, more important than obedience, creativity, intelligence, punctuality, personality, or a host of other characteristics we value in people. This design is another great way for us to bring awareness and spread the kindness revolution. Book loving, 50s retro vibes,…
How can Truth and Kindness Coexist?
Truth and kindness must come together. Truth that emotionally destroys, or kindness that leads to misunderstanding, distancing friends, or creating abuse are not worth having.
World Water Day
Groundwater crosses borders, just like climate change. We must work together to improve the way we share transboundary groundwater resources, balancing the needs in a changing world.
Eliminate Racial Discrimination
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Let’s do it!
Good Things Happen
Good things happen when we focus on the abundance in our lives. When we are aware of the good that is all around us and when we cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
Kindness is Power
Individually we have the most power to achieve our dreams when we are kind, and contribute to strengthening humanity collectively.
Thank Yourself Today
Thank yourself today for something good you did in the past.
Put Love Out into the World
The human race is becoming more and more interconnected so it’s more important than ever that what we put out is contributing to a lovelier world.
Have a Nice Day
There’s much more to it than deciding to have one, but our mindset, and our intentions can guide us a great deal.
Dreams are the Beginning
Dreams are the beginning of preparing for a wonderful future.
Being Kind is Bodacious. Be Bodacious.
Being Kind is Bodacious, be bodacious.
Look for the Magic
Make a point of looking for the beauty that is all around us, even if you have to go out of your way to find it. And remember to look within yourself too.
Be the One
The more we are together, the more synergy there is and the more effective we can be.
Equal Value, Equal Rights
Just a remind today on International Women’s Day… Women deserve the same respect, financial security, and opportunities as men.
No Waiting Required
We can start by thinking kind thoughts about ourselves and others, smiling at people we pass on the street, and changing our attitude towards the world.
Be Kind Humans
Be Kind Humans, then we can REALLY be Humankind. 🙂
Sushi Rolls not Gender Roles
This sushi is inclusive and welcoming! ? Sushi Rolls not gender roles! (Food, not fear!) Sushi believes in you. ?
Celebrate Success
I Love Celebrating Other People’s Success. I’m not intimidated, there’s plenty of success to go around. We all do better when we all do better.
You are Amazing
We are all born with the power to do amazing things. We all have the ability to be kind and compassionate. We can all use our skills in a way that benefits others. We are all amazing, wonderful and talented. We have the power to create our own life magic.
We Can Rely on Family to Care
We are social beings and we need to be surrounded by people that care for us. Family is the people that will always be there for you no matter what.
Kindness At Home
The foundation for a culture of kindness starts at home.
World Wildlife Day
We can be kind to our environment.
Being Kind is Not the Same as Being Nice
People can be kind in a number of ways, and it takes a lot more than just being nice. For example, a person can be kind by showing empathy, which means they understand another person’s feelings and experience what they’re going through. They can also be kind by doing things for people without expecting anything…
Kindness is Powerful
Kindness is a powerful thing. It can change someone’s life, and it can change the world. Kindness is what drives us to be better humans, and it’s what makes the world a better place. The power of kindness is that it is something that we all have access to. We don’t need any special skills…
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Empower leadership and innovation through science. Celebrate the UNESCO International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Helping build a foundation for gender equality. Cheers to the women who came before usWho made the ground beneath us strongAnd to the girls who are coming after usWho will make the future brighter still Read more about…
Are Kindness and Sweetness the Same Thing?
Kindness is an act of empathy or compassion. It is a way of showing that you care about someone else’s feelings, well-being, and comfort. Sweetness is the quality of being pleasing to the senses. It could be a taste, smell, sound, or touch that evokes a sense of pleasure. It is easy to confuse kindness…
Love and Compassion are my Fashion
Love and Compassion are my Fashion because kindness never goes out of style. Never mind brand name clothes, I know something much more attractive. Love and Compassion. There are many ways we can be kind to others and there are many ways we can show our kindness. Doing something small like complimenting someone or giving…
Kindness Comes From Having an Open Mind
Kindness comes from having an open mind and an open heart.What inspires you to kindness?Trying new things?Listening to a stranger?Reading?
Loving the Ocean and Being Kind
Just over here loving the ocean and being kind. Life is beautiful.
Tshirt Collection Coming Feb 18
The design and production process is coming along well, and we’re opening with our initial tshirt collection! We’re planning some fab deals to get the ball rolling. Check in soon. Opening February 18th!
Love Whenever Possible
Love yourself, love people, love nature, activities. Be joy.
Kindness is Everything
It’s the superpower behind living, laughing, loving, and even accomplishing things. We do better when we do it together.
Thanks for being there, and being kind.
I just love seeing people interact on the internet with dignity, politeness, and even compassion. Just a bit of positive reinforcement! To my internet friends, Thanks for being there, and being kind.
Anarchy Wings
The symbol composed of the capital letter A surrounded by a circle is universally recognized as a symbol of anarchism and has been established in global youth culture since the 1970s.
Got any book recommendations?